2015 Update

Overall, the year 2015 has been a quiet year for our club. Highlights were: 1) the June BBQ at fellow Gyro Dave Lee’s; 2) the August presentations relating the Gyro Christmas Tree and park plaza proposal by fellow Gyro’s Chris Rigoni, Stan Pucelj and Don Reeves; and 3) increasing our membership to 19 members.

Past President and Treasurer Doug Oleniuk attended the Nanaimo Interim in April.

The Kitimat Installation held September 11-13th was attended by Ron and Louise Hart and included the Friday evening gathering, Saturday evening installation and Sunday moose milk breakfast. Also included was an enjoyable Saturday afternoon cruise on the Douglas Channel aboard the High Tide. No fish were caught but the winds were light and the sun was shining. At the Installation, incumbents Mike Steponavicius, Steve Revell and Doug Oleniuk remained in their roles as President, Vice President and Treasurer respectively, while Doug Rumley was installed as Secretary by Lt. Governor Ron Hart.

Five (5) members of the Kitimat Gyro Club attended the Prince George installation and District IV Convention on September 25-27th where we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and established many new friendships and contacts within Gyro. Congratulations to the Prince George Gyro Club for hosting a great weekend.

The focus for the remainder of 2015 will be continued effort to attract new members and re-establishing the Annual Gyro Stag scheduled for the Grey Cup weekend.

In friendship,
Mike Steponavicius
President, Kitimat Gyro Club