Founders of Kitimat Gyro

In October 1956, 31 Kitimat residents signed a petition to form the Gyro Club of Kitimat, which was sponsored by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club and seconded by the Prince George Gyro Club.

The Gyro Club of Kitimat was admitted into membership with Gyro International on October 13, 1956.

The following officers were inaugurated during the Gyro Club of Kitimat’s first installation on November 2, 1956:

President – Bill Stone

Vice President – Ron Hatch

Secretary – Harry Forward

Treasurer – Sandy Macdonald

Directors – Don Forward, George Martin, Pete Hopkins, Rod Jensen

The Gyro Club of Kitimat’s founding members in 1956 (in alphabetical order):

Douglas A. Armstrong, Norman L. Barber, George H. Biddle, Gordon J. Booth, J. Raymond Brown, Robert C. Dudley, John Edmondson, Donald Forward, Harold B. Forward, Al A. Gehrke, Ronald C. Hatch, F. Joseph Hauser, Harold D. Hayes, Peter M. Hopkins, Roderick K. Jensen, J. William Knapp, Alexander Y. MacDonald, George H. Martin, J. Ellis Morris, Donald J. Murray, Gordon S. Roy, Allan A. Sangster, John Sjursen, William F. Stone, Kenneth G. Strachan, Walter J. Strilchuk, Wilf Thebes, Arthur C. Turney, Norman D. Wise, Walter J.G. Wright.

The Presentation of Charter to the Gyro Club of Kitimat and our clubs 1st Installation Program from November 2nd, 1956 can be found below (4 pages):