Kitimat Gyro Club Update – April 2022
I’d like to start off by saying I am extremely honoured to be President of the Kitimat Gyro Club.
Over the 66 years of Gyro in Kitimat, we have had many presidents who have paved the way to build a club so rich with history and great friendships. We are extremely grateful for their drive and commitment that built this club, that has endured the test of time.
2021 continued with restrictions and lockdowns due to the Covid Pandemic; which resulted in our meetings being cancelled. Meetings finally resumed November 2021. We decided against having a mixed Christmas dinner due to rising Covid cases in the North.
Myself, and Past-President Revell, and Levitt Machinery volunteer, restrung the lights on the Gyro Christmas tree located in the town centre.
The beginning of 2022 did not start out as we hoped, as the first two meetings had to be cancelled due to the Omicron wave; but meetings resumed February 3, 2022. We had a mixed Valentines meeting February 17th, which was the first mixed function in two years. A very good turn out and everyone was happy to be out and socializing.
The unfortunate news of Doug Olenuik’s passing hit our Club hard. Doug was a member of our club for over 40 years and was our treasurer at the time of his passing; he will be greatly missed.
As we continue to navigate this pandemic, we are hoping to get back on track by resuming many functions we’ve had to cancel. The installation for 2021 was to be scaled down event this Spring, but instead we chose to post-pone it until our regular installation in September. Officers did change via election; however, without ceremony.
We will continue to work on building our club membership, and we are hoping that we are able to maintain our membership numbers as best we can. We are encouraged by the interest of perspective members and we look forward to bring them into the club to continue the rich history we have thus far.
In closing, I hope to bring together others to enjoy the friendship that the Gyro club is known for.
Respectfully submitted in friendship,
Joey Ocsovai,
President, Kitimat Gyro Club